The lighter side of social media, harnessed to give lift.

I think for me Facebook will always be a strictly personal thing, never professional.  It is a useful tool, fun, a great way to bring people together.  But it is where I go when I am not in work mode, so that is the way it will stay for now.  The nearest I would ever come is exchange of research ideas with someone who is already a friend, rather than a colleague.  Twitter, I am less fussed about personally.  But I still find it fundamentally limited for idea exchange.  Where I think I can get the most out of twitter is as a reminder service for things which are happening – it was very useful when I was at ICACC to keep track of events going on I wanted to participate in.

Image sharing, I am also sceptical of.  A lot of my work has been commercially focused – sharing images is not something I can do on a whim, because the more interesting an image is, the less likely it is that it is totally academic in interest.  This is a pity, since pictures can be eye grabbing in a way otherwise seemingly near-identical social media profiles are not.

The thing that most interested me in the ‘things’ this blog post covers are storify and the like.  In the future, I may be organising events which are about communication, sales or awareness.  The facilities offered by these sites could be a massive aid as a promotional tool for events of this type.  The format seems to give a nice degree of balance between images and context, presenting a cohesive, engaging whole.  It is in my bookmarks and toolbox for the future.

The lighter side of social media, harnessed to give lift.